Instagram Reels Now Last up to 60 Seconds

Instagram Reels Now Last up to 60 Seconds

Last May, Instagram added Reels Insight on its professional dashboard. The results were astounding. The insights made it clear that Instagram Reels is the most appealing competitor of the TikTok app. Recently, Instagram is testing partnerships of accounts on posts and Reels. This is besides the expansion of Reels Ads and remix options. Surprisingly, Instagram Reels now last up to 60 seconds.


Instagram Reels are TikTok-like short clips that initially lasted for 15 seconds during its launch. In September 2020, Instagram lengthened the duration of Reels to 30 seconds. Effective today, Instagram Reels length will be up to 60 seconds. This is the same as the length of YouTube Shorts. But it is still shorter than the length of  TikTok clips, which is up to 3 minutes.

Instagram Reels now last up to 60 seconds, effective 27 July 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

As Instagram increases the length of Reels to 60 seconds, it allows more content to be posted on Reels. This can be an extra opportunity for marketers to convey their brand messages using Instagram Reels Ads. As such, it improves a viewer’s experience boosting their engagement on Reels.


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