Instagram Shares Helpful Tips About DM and Product Tags

Facebook and Instagram have rolled out a lot of changes this 2020. This is to accommodate the changing habits and trends within the online community. A large part of the updates aimed to help small businesses bounce back after the COVID-19 lockdowns. Last April 2020, Facebook integrated Messenger with Instagram Direct. The platform has also rolled out new tools for a new messaging experience. After a month, Instagram Live Shopping was launched. The move aimed to boost the reach of Shops. Shopping tags were also enabled on Reels and Stories. Today, Instagram shares helpful tips about DM and product tags.

Instagram Shares Helpful Tips About DM and Product Tags

Features of Instagram Direct

Adam Mosseri, Instagram Chief, shared a video quoted as “It Goes Down in the DMs.” In this video, he shared the hidden gems of Instagram Direct that can be a great tool for brands and creators. It is also a reply to Musician T-Pain’s recent Instagram post. On the said post, T-Pain showed a flood of requests on his Instagram Direct which he said he don’t know what to do about. Here’s what Mosseri discusses in the video:

  • Mark as Unread. Mosseri highlights that if you long-press a message on Instagram Direct, it will be marked as unread. As such, the receiver can be subtle with the sender even if read receipts to Instagram Direct are rolled out.
  • Privacy Controls. Mosseri also notes the different privacy controls on Instagram Direct. Here, users can choose who can send them a message or include them in a group chat. 
  • Vanish Mode. Mosseri also notes the vanish mode feature of IG Direct. Once activated, it makes all messages disappear after closing the chatbox. 

Product tags

Side by side with Mosseri’s video is another video on the Instagram for Business account. It discusses how to add product tags on IGTV, Reels, and Stories. The video shows that there are 3 requirements before you can use product tags on Instagram: 

  • An Instagram Business or Creator account
  • A Product Catalog uploaded on the account
  • Enabling Instagram Shopping on the account

Once all these three requirements are met, users can now add product tags to their IG posts. These include IGTV, Reels, and Stories.

Instagram shares helpful tips about DM and product tags on 10 May 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Instagram’s helpful tips can help marketers in maximizing their IG content. By being aware of Instagram’s features and tools, brands can leverage the power of the platform to convert its 1.6 billion monthly active users into active customers.


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