Around 500 million people tap into the power of Instagram Stories. They are images, links, texts, or videos that stay on an IG feed for 24 hours. Since 2016, the platform continuously added features and tools to enhance and liven Stories. It rolled out chat stickers, language translation, reshare stickers, and Stories draft. Recently, the platform is testing “Montage,” a tool to turn Stories into Reels. Today, Instagram experiments with longer Stories videos.
Currently, Instagram Stories only allows videos of up to 60 seconds in length. These videos are then cut into smaller segments as a story trail. But today, Stories videos of up to 60 seconds will no longer be segmented. Users can even add effects and music to the full video.
Instagram experiments with longer Stories videos on 19 October 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Longer Instagram Stories videos allow Reels to be fully uploaded on Stories. For marketers, it can be an easier way to upload Reels ads and campaigns. It can also boost engagement and reach by getting more focus on Reels and Stories.