As announced on the 1st day of October, the main focus of Snapchat today is augmented reality (AR). The platform introduced the AR spectacles last May. It also enabled AR tools such as AR lenses, birthday mini, bitmoji avatars, and scan tools. Recently, Snapchat partnered with WPP, a visual AR tech company. The partnership aimed to build an immersive AR experience. Today, Snapchat launches “Arcadia.”
Arcadia is Snapchat’s global creative studio for branded AR content on mobile. It will be powered by a team of world-class experts including, agencies, brands, and creators. Some of its secured partnerships include P&G Beauty, Shake Shack, and Verizon.
3 Functions of Arcadia
Arcadia will perform 3 functions to help agencies, brands, and creators.
- It will become the official “AR Studio of Record” for Snapchat.
- It will deliver project-based AR works that align with its mission.
- It will offer insights, productions, and workshops to level up AR strategies.
The creative AR studio will also focus sharply on augmented reality to set the highest technical standard in the market.
Snapchat launches “Arcadia” on 19 October 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Snapchat’s Arcadia can be a key lure for creators wanting the next level of AR experience. For marketers, it means creating fresh AR campaigns that can boost engagement and revenue.