YouTube Tests “Search Insights”

YouTube has been receiving a lot of feedback from creators that they want to know what YouTubers are looking for to help them create content that resonates well within the community. The platform knows how important it is to know what people are searching for and what they would like to view on the platform. As such, YouTube tests search insights.

YouTube Search Insights

For more channel management options, YouTube is now testing search insights under the “Viewers Searches” tab. Alina Verbenchuk, a Product Specialist on YouTube Analytics, explained that YouTube’s test on search insights consists of two parts. These are the following:

  • The ability to see what their audience and channel viewers are looking for on YouTube
  • The ability to look at viewer searches for any keyword for thousands of topics in YouTube

Search insights date back within the last 20 days and are in aggregated form to protect individual users’ privacy

YouTube tests search insights on 27 November 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Search insights can significantly help creators discover what content YouTubers are interested in or searching for. For marketers, it allows them to focus their ads and campaign on what specifically interests their target audiences for them to shop.


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