Testing Shorts Ads on Google

Testing Shorts Ads on Google

Google releases its Q1 of 2022 earnings reports. It showed that Shorts now has 30 billion daily views. Shorts are TikTok-like clips on YouTube. A $100 million Shorts fund covered Multi-Channel Network (MCN) and YouTube Partnership Program to 45 countries. Today, Google tests ads in Shorts.

YouTube Shorts

Sundar Pichai announces that the platform is currently beta-testing Shorts Ads. The CEO of Alphabet and Google mentioned that is being tested with products like App Install and Video Action Campaigns. It is something every marketer should keep an eye on as Google recorded an $88 billion revenue.

Google tests ads in Shorts on 27 April 2022.

Implications to Marketers:

As Google tests ads in Shorts, it will provide a new pathway for marketers to monetize video clips. Shorts have a larger reach than long-form videos. So, Shorts Ads can potentially boost brand awareness and conversion.

Reference: https://abc.xyz/investor/static/pdf/2022_Q1_Earnings_Transcript.pdf?cache=aded5ae

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