Here’s great news to the Twitter nation. Quill is joining Twitter. This is the 6th acquisition of Twitter within 2021. The 5 apps that Twitter previously acquired are the following:
- Revue newsletter platform
- Sphere group chat app
- Squad video chat app
- Threader tweet converter
- Tomorrow weather service
Quill is an interactive grammar and writing tool that makes communication more effective and thoughtful for everyone. Twitter plans to use the app to create another line of paid subscriptions on efficient messaging. Active Quill subscribers were already advice to export team messages on or before the 11th of December at 1 PM EST. During that time Quill will shut down and turnover their server to Twitter.
Quill is joining Twitter on 07 December 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Quill joining Twitter may mean more effective messaging on Twitter. This will benefit marketers as they can be a perfect option to connect with the Twitter nation via a more personalized marketing approach.