YouTube Expands Access of Clips

YouTube has been experimenting on short-video formats. The platform introduced Shorts last September 2020. It’s a TikTok-like option where users can record and share a 60-second music clip. Last 05 May 2021, Shorts was officially launched to all users in the US. Then, there were Clips which YouTube has been testing since January this year. Side by side with Clips, YouTube is also testing product tags to monetize them. Today, YouTube expands the access of Clips.

Clips are a new way for YouTubers to share a small portion of a long-form video uploaded on YouTube. Its maximum length is around 60 seconds. Clips play a loop directly on the watch page of an original video. They are shareable on other social media platforms or via email through a new URL. Currently, Clips is in limited alpha for gaming creators. YouTube now puts it under beta testing by expanding the access of Clips to 10x more channels over the coming weeks. Gaming creators remain its focus as YouTube wants to maximize gaming content. YouTubers who have access to Clips can see a scissors icon below their video playback screen. YouTube also adds a Clips counter to eligible channels to see how many views a clip received.

YouTube expands the access of Clips as of 12 May 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

YouTube Clips are another option to boost the discovery of long-form video content. Highlighting moments on YouTube videos into shorter clips can excite viewers and lead them to watch the whole video. Marketers have to keep an eye on this update as it may soon be rolled out for all YouTubers. Clips can be another technique to highlight products and services using short video teasers.



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