YouTube Enables Importing Long-Form Video Clips into Shorts

YouTube Enables Importing Long-Form Video Clips into Shorts

Shorts have slowly been taking over long-form videos on YouTube. Shorts are 60-second music clips that resembled TikTok. To boost its usage, the platform launched a Shorts fund, available to more than 70 regions. Today, YouTube enables importing long-form video clips into Shorts.

YouTube Enables Importing Long-Form Video Clips into Shorts

YouTube creators can now convert long-form video clips into 60-second Shorts. If they select a clip less than 60-second, they can shoot extra clips to complete the 60-second Shorts. Alternatively, they can also add uploaded videos from their gallery to the short clip. All the user needs to do is hit the back arrow on the editing screen. Only the creator of the long-form video clips can import them into Shorts. Shorts created from long-form video clips will link back to the original VODs. The update is also available to Android and iOS users for now.

YouTube enables importing long-form video clips into Shorts on 28 Jul 2022.

Implications to Marketers:

Importing long-form video clips into Shorts makes it easier for YouTube marketers to create more engaging Shorts ads. It can help brands bring fresh life to their classic and evergreen content to boost engagement.


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