Twitter Tests Boosting Fleet Exposure

The Twitter nation seems intrigued! Some users are seeing Fleets from profiles they don’t follow? After enabling security keys and selective tweet sharing, people are puzzled why Fleets from unfollowed Twitter accounts are showing on their feeds. This is because Twitter tests boosting Fleet exposure.

Twitter Tests Boosting Fleet Exposure

Fleets are like Facebook and Instagram Stories. They are live on Twitter for only 24 hours. To enhance them, a user can add animated stickers, custom backgrounds, and Twemojis. As Twitter tests to boost the visibility of Fleets, some users will now see them on top of their timelines within Fleet bars. A lightning bolt distinguishes Fleets from outside your network. Fleets shown on a user’s expanded network are based on their interests and preferences. 

Twitter tests boosting Fleet exposure on 07 July 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Twitter aims to boost the exposure of Fleets to allow creators to connect with the community better. For marketers, this can be another reason to consider Fleets in their Twitter marketing strategies. If Fleets can reach more people, it can boost a brand’s organic reach. 


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