Last July, Instagram Chief Adam Mosseri, made a big announcement. He has noted the platform’s shift from photo sharing to photo-and-video sharing. After two months, Instagram launched the “Yours to Make” campaign. It is a video ad on how Instagrammers can explore themselves on the rebranded Instagram. Today, Instagram enables image and video posting via desktop.
Starting today, Instagrammers globally can post photos and videos on Instagram through their desktop. The videos allowed should be less than one minute in length. Reels and Stories are not yet included in the initial stage. But Instagram is looking forward to including them anytime soon.
Instagram enables image and video posting via desktop on 19 October 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Image and video posting via Instagram desktop makes it easier to maintain an IG presence. Marketers can stay across different posts by being able to manage them on a bigger screen. It reduces uploading time and increases the ability to experiment with IG ads and campaigns.