YouTube Adds Membership Metrics and New Analytics

YouTube’s Q1 of 2021 Report showed impressive results. It jumped 49% with total revenue of $6.8 billion. It just signaled the rise of video marketing among brands. Yet, there are 3 common questions that creators often ask YouTube. These are:

  • How do their memberships evolve?
  • Which videos helped them win or lose memberships?
  • Does it help to remind the audience about paid membership?

Today, YouTube has an answer to all these 3 questions as the platform adds membership metrics and new analytics.

YouTube Adds Membership Metrics and New Analytics

Member’s Tab

YouTube added a member’s tab within the “Audience Page” of YouTube Analytics. The tab shows the total as well as an active member of a channel in YouTube. This can be cumulative or daily. Deep dive metrics are also available to help creators track daily changes to active, canceling, gaining, and lost members. 

New Analytics Card on YouTube Mobile

YouTube also added two cards at the bottom of the audience tab on a creator’s mobile app. These two cards are previously available on desktops only. The two cards are:

  • Other channels your audience watches.
  • Other videos your audience watches.

Tapping on one of these two cards will bring the creators to a detailed view of up to 15 channels and videos. While tapping on one of the 15 videos will show the video page on the main app.

New Video Overview Analytics on YouTube Desktop

This new addition makes the explanations of video performance more visible. YouTube is also working on revenue change analytics. This will show if a creator’s revenue goes up or down due to a higher or lower CPM country. Such insight will be available both on desktop and mobile. 

Post engagement metrics are also live now on YouTube Analytics. This card on the channel’s engagement tab shows “Unlike” reactions on the creator’s top posts over the last 28 days. They can also now be filtered according to post type.

A deep dive report showing daily metrics of a post will now include impressions, likes, like rate, votes, and vote rates.

YouTube adds membership metrics and new analytics as of 03 June 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

The membership metrics and new analytics are a refinement of YouTube’s available tools. They provide more specific context on a channel’s performance. For marketers, these metrics can help angle their strategy according to major shifts among YouTube channels. More data means more insights in mapping out a marketing strategy on YouTube. 


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