Twitter Tests New Options to Spaces Access

It has been 8 months since Twitter globally launched Spaces, the platform’s Clubhouse clone. Spaces are live audio rooms that are now open to everyone. They are featured in Spaces tabs, topic tags, and trending chats. Users can also listen to Spaces outside the platform. Today, Twitter tests new options to Spaces access.

Spaces audience restrictions

As tweeted by Matt Navarra, a social media expert, Twitter is currently testing options to restrict who can access or join a Space event. It can either be anyone, people you invite, or your followers only, which Twitter called tweeps. Even though Spaces can be recorded, their best can be experienced in real-time. Such an option will encourage more intimate Spaces.

Twitter tests new options to Spaces access on 04 January 2022.

Implications for Marketers: 

Twitter’s new options to Spaces access can be a growth tactic for marketers. By hosting intimate Spaces among loyal followers or VIP customers, they can give special updates to such groups in advance. It can deepen connections and promote retention.


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