Twitter Provides Tips for Small Business Saturday

Are you ready for Small Business Saturday? It is one key event that the Twitter Nation looks forward to. The U.S. will celebrate the event on the 27th of November and the U.K on the 4th of December. As such, Twitter provides tips for Small Business Saturday.

Twitter Small Business Saturday checklist

Here’s a 6-step plan that Twitter provides as tips for  #SmallBusinessSaturday:

Start early by promoting Small Business Saturday offline or online. Give a sneak peek of the discounts and sales you are going to offer at the said event. Use polls and tweets to get your followers involved. 

Broaden Your Reach Using Hashtags

Add relevant hashtags to promote the event on your page and stay connected such as:

To broaden your reach, stick to two hashtags capitalizing the first letter of each word.

Campaign Using Crowdfunding or Gift Cards

Small Business Saturday is a good time to launch a crowdfunding campaign. As people know more about your business, encourage them to support you. Alternatively, gift cards or membership subscriptions can also boost sales.

Ease Up the Shopping Experience

Update the About tab on your Twitter Profile to make it easy for your followers to shop. Add your physical address and operating hours. Post the link to your eCommerce website even on Twitter ads. Tweet fun special offers to boost engagement.

Partner with Others to Expand Your Reach 

Share the love by supporting other small businesses. Look for partnership opportunities or tweet your favorite neighborhood business.

Run Events and Promotions

Schedule an event during Small Business Saturday such as limited in-store or online promotions. Be sure to tweet them before, during, and after to create excitement. 

Tweet Live

Small Business Saturday is the perfect opportunity to let your audience know how long you have been in the business. Tweet live sharing your story and talk about your local pride. 

In line with the Small Business Saturday Campaign, Twitter also published a checklist to guide small businesses. Twitter provides tips for Small Business Saturday on 19 November 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Twitter users get shopping inspiration 3x more than non-Twitter users. In the US, Small Business Saturday increases conversations by 64% in the U.S. and 55% in the U.K. So, it may be worth it for marketers to take part in such an event and tell stories to the world.


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