Twitter Opens Circles to All Users

Twitter Opens Circles to All Users

Remember Twitter Circle? It is an exclusive page where users share a tweet with selected followers. It is an easier way to tweet privately than to remove followers. The platform is working on such a content control tool since May. Today, Twitter opens Circle to all users.

Twitter Opens Circles to All Users

As mentioned, Twitter Circle is a new way to tweet with a smaller crowd. Such an option will appear before sharing a tweet. Users can add up to 150 followers under Circle. They can also modify the list without anyone knowing them. Any tweet made under Circle will appear with a green badge at the bottom. The feature is available to everyone on iOS, Android, and globally.

Twitter opens Circle to all users on 30 August 2022.

Implications to Marketers:

Marketers can take advantage of Twitter Circle to build closer connections with a selected group of followers. It can also be a way to initiate intimate conversations to boost brand loyalty.


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