Quick reactions are effective ways to encourage conversation and engagement. That is why Twitter has been exploring the use of Facebook reaction emojis. Besides the like option, the platform is working to add “Cheer,” “HaHa,” “Hmm,” and “Sad.” It also enabled sports emojis during the recent Olympic games and the “raised hand” emoji is now available on Twitter Spaces. Today, Twitter launches a live test of tweet reactions.
Tweet reactions are mow under live testing in Turkey. A long press on a tweet will show Twitter users in the land of the Turks the following tweet reactions:
- Clap
- Ha Ha
- Heart
- Hmm
- Sad
These reactions will be listed on each tweet. As such, other people can see how the Twitter Nation responded to a particular tweet.
Twitter launches a live test of tweet reactions on 09 September 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Tweet reactions are easier ways to quickly reply to a conversation. For marketers, this can be a way to boost engagement. The list of tweet reactions listed on a Twitter post can also serve as a ranking signal of success.