With the sudden boom of the Clubhouse app, Twitter shifted to cloning similar live audio rooms. The microblogging platform officially launched Spaces last May. These are virtual audio rooms accessible to Twitter accounts with more than 600 followers. Twitter then tested “Ticketed Spaces” as a paid subscription to monetize this Clubhouse clone. Today, Twitter globally launches “Ticketed Spaces.”
“Ticketed Spaces” are available to Twitter accounts with more than 1000 followers. The profile owner must be
- 18 years old and above
- Have hosted at least 3 Spaces in the past
- Must have a Stripe account for Spaces payment
Today, “Ticketed Spaces” will be available to all Android users globally and iOS users in the US.
Hosts can set the ticket price, and 97% of the revenue goes back to them. It will drop to 80% once they reach $50k in total earnings. Total earnings are cumulative revenues of their Super Follow account and “Ticketed Spaces.”
Twitter globally launches “Ticketed Spaces” on 14 October 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Twitter’s “ticketed Spaces” is a move to boost social audio engagement and keep top broadcasters on the platform. For marketers, they are a new option for audio marketing to increase engagement, reach, and sales with around 199 million daily active users of the Twitter nation.
Reference: https://twitter.com/TwitterSupport/status/1448712965591547905