Facebook Shares Common Creative Strategies Among Brands

Do you want successful strategies to market your brand? Or build long-lasting connections with your audience? You can achieve both and drive exceptional marketing results. How? Check these common creative strategies among brands that Facebook recently shares.

The Facebook Creative Shop is an in-house strategy team of Facebook formed in 2011. It’s composed of 150 global members collaborating with businesses and marketers to make the most of Facebook and Instagram ads. This 22 October 2020, the team published a 27-page guide entitled, “Breakthrough Brands 2020: Six Creative Behaviors for Driving Business Impact.” The guide is a summary of the best creative strategies made in Facebook and Instagram last 2019. 

6 Common Creative Strategies Among Brands

Open a dialogue. One-on-one interactions drive 22% more business results. It pays to invite the audience to take part in a campaign. Lay’s creatively uses augmented reality to open a dialogue on Operation Smile. A portion of every purchase of a smile design bag of Lay’s will be donated to charity. Such a campaign makes buyers feel a part of an important cause. Facebook Creative Shop also suggests using direct messaging and polls to open a dialogue with your target audiences.

Cultivate culture. Turning the audience as active creators of culture powers 21% more engagement. Tap into the community through relevant creators or influencers. Fanta Music became a hit to 2.5 million teens in Turkey. The brand uses Instagram Polls to bring collaboration with the help of famous singers and YouTubers. Facebook Creative Shop implies that influencer marketing is still a reigning market trend today.

Serve others. Empowering people to make a better world creates 23% more connections. Consider what the target audience value most. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) incorporates haunting visuals to highlight the need to save endangered species. Using AR and VR, the brand has advocated change.

Astound communities. Responding to community needs to foster 26% higher response rates. Chatbooks have created millions of family photobooks by answering the parent’s need to save memories online. By presenting toddler guarantee in their software, parents feel safe keeping old pictures and souvenirs.

Break the mold. Innovation propels 44% higher awareness. People love surprises. Challenging norms catches everyone’s interest. Casper’s furry ads break the mold by enlisting furry pet reviews. They made pet owners aware of the need for a comfortable mattress for their pets. 

Push the purpose. Personalizing a brand’s value through a higher purpose boosts 55% higher conversion. Closeup’s “Free to Love” campaign is an LGBTQ-friendly video. They were able to boost sales by simply linking how the product plays the lives of people in love.

Implications for Marketers:

These creative strategies on Facebook and Instagram can help brands optimize their ad performance. For marketers, these useful examples and tips can be a guide to create powerful campaigns. It’s somewhat a challenge to conceptualize creative content. But with Facebook and Instagram, the hard work will surely pay off. 

Reference: https://www.facebook.com/business/news/insights/the-creative-behaviors-of-2020s-breakthrough-brands

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