YouTube Enables Subtitle Editors

YouTube Enables Subtitle Editors

YouTube has taken a new way to use subtitles within the app. It aims to make video content more accessible to viewers. Last year, the platform enabled automated video chapters, chapter searches, and clips. Today, YouTube enables subtitle editors.

YouTube’s Chief Product Officer Neal Mohan tweets that they are now rolling out subtitle editors. It allows YouTube creators to delegate the creation and editing of video chapters to 3rd-party apps. These video chapters are now termed subtitles. A subtitle editor role now appears within the permission element of a YouTube Creator dashboard. Enabling such a role can grant access to a third party to manage subtitles on your clips.

YouTube enables subtitle editors on 12 April 2022.

Implications for Marketers:

YouTube’s subtitle editors can help improve the accuracy and readability of video chapters captions. For marketers, it means an easier workflow and more chances of engaging YouTube viewers.


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