Like Facebook, Twitter is now determined to crackdown fake news and misinformation. After updating its transparency center last 19 August 2020, the platform enabled possible offensive comment warning and retweet prompt. It has also updated conversation settings for users to choose who can reply to their tweets. Today, Twitter tests new warnings on fake news.
Jane Manchun Wong, a reverse engineering expert, shows a pop-up display when a user reacts or tries to retweet a disputed post. The sample warning label shows as:
“Official sources may not have called the race when this was Tweeted. Help keep Twitter a place for reliable info. Find out more before liking.”
Twitter believes that they can reduce the spread of misinformation by adding such kind of reminder.
Twitter’s fake news warning can help the platform stay on top of fake news and misinformation. At least, there’s some form of control for these tweets to spread while under investigation. For marketers, this can increase engagement. By making sure that all their ads and campaigns are based on accurate information, they can position brands on top of Twitter newsfeeds.
Twitter Tests Warnings on Fake News
Like Facebook, Twitter is now determined to crackdown fake news and misinformation. After updating its transparency center last 19 August 2020, the platform enabled possible offensive comment warning and retweet prompt. It has also updated conversation settings for users to choose who can reply to their tweets. Today, Twitter tests new warnings on fake news.
Jane Manchun Wong, a reverse engineering expert, shows a pop-up display when a user reacts or tries to retweet a disputed post. The sample warning label shows as:
Twitter believes that they can reduce the spread of misinformation by adding such kind of reminder.
Twitter tests warnings on fake news as of 09 November 2020.
Implications for Marketers:
Twitter’s fake news warning can help the platform stay on top of fake news and misinformation. At least, there’s some form of control for these tweets to spread while under investigation. For marketers, this can increase engagement. By making sure that all their ads and campaigns are based on accurate information, they can position brands on top of Twitter newsfeeds.
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