Twitter Teaches How to Use Twitter Lists for Social Media Management

While Twitter is not the typical platform to launch social media marketing campaigns, it is a very useful listening tool to keep a close eye on trends, news, updates, and the like. Recently, Twitter has been developing and emphasizing its Lists feature, which allows users to easily manage and keep tabs on different users and trending topics on Twitter.

With personalized Lists, users can see updates in the form of a news feed, and they can also discover new Lists relevant to their preferences. These features are what make them relevant and effective listening tools.

Recently, Twitter gave a few tips that would help social media managers make the most out of Twitter lists. These tips are intended to make using Lists more efficient and effective for social media managers. 

Use Twitter Lists to keep your competitors close.

Having a Twitter List on competitors will help brands keep track of their competitors’ marketing efforts on Twitter. They could see how they handle their affairs as well and see what is working for them. This could help brands build their own marketing strategies.

Connect with peers in your segment.

Dedicating a List to peers and connecting accounts may offer additional insight on trends and updates. Users get to see all the information they need by scrolling through the news feed.

Showcase Twitter all-stars.

Twitter all-stars are called all-stars for a reason. They were able to build their reputation across Twitter and could serve as inspiration for other brands to do the same.

Consolidate social media news.

For social media news, social media managers get to tune in to the latest news and updates about various social media platforms and learn all about the newest tech available to them. This is especially valuable as they may show more effective and more efficient ways to manage social media platforms with the help of new tools.

Implications for Marketers:

Twitter is not typically used as a platform for social media marketing, but the emphasis on Lists may provide social media managers with more insights on how they can formulate their campaigns. They would also be able to tune into key trends on Twitter and explore how they can use Twitter as a social media marketing platform, too. 



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