The whole Twitter nation can view all ads made by a brand within the platform. This is through its ads transparency center (ATC). But such a feature was removed by the platform on 25 January 2021. Today, Twitter launches an updated version of its privacy help resources to replace ad insights on the removed feature.
The updated version of Twitter’s privacy help resources features 3 sections:
- Your Data & Twitter – learn how Twitter collects, shares, and uses your data.
- Hacked Accounts – find support for compromised passwords, hacked accounts, and other security breaches.
- Privacy Setting on Twitter – learn how to protect your account and information via Twitter’s privacy controls.
These sections make it easier for users to find answers about the different elements of Twitter.
Twitter launches an updated version of its privacy help resources as of 04 March 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Twitter’s updated privacy helps resources better connect Twitter users to relevant information in the platform. For marketers, these sections can be a guide in boosting ad revenue and visibility on Twitter. By knowing how to use data and privacy controls, brands can have a clear idea of how to target a segmented group of Twitter audiences.