Twitter Removes Its Ads Transparency Center

Twitter is a platform where users look for current information and trends. Last 28 June 2018, the platform launched its ads transparency center (ATC). This allows everyone across the world to view all Twitter ads made by a brand. It will also show whether an ad has been deleted or flagged for a policy violation. It seems that such a feature is no longer relevant to the current situation of the platform. As such, Twitter removes its ads transparency center.

Twitter Removes Its Ads Transparency Center

Bene Earl, Digital Director at Headland Consultancy has noted the removal of Twitter’s ads transparency center on her 04 February 2021 tweet. Twitter made a silent move in disabling ATC. This became a significant blow among social ad researchers. Yet, Twitter noted that they can still download ATC data via an account’s “Setting & Privacy” tab. These data include:

  • Issue ads from 08 August 2018 to 22 November 2019.
  • Political ads from 24 May 2018 to 22 November 2019.

Twitter removes its ads transparency center as of 25 January 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

Twitter’s silent removal of its ads transparency center greatly affects Twitter marketers. The feature has been very helpful in evaluating Twitter campaigns and ads. Without ATC, marketers need to closely track a brand’s insight dashboard on Twitter instead. As Twitter advanced its brand safety partnership, it still pays to market with 188 million monthly Twitter users.



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