Twitter Gives Branded Hashtags “Hashfetti” Effect

Twitter Gives Branded Hashtags Hashfetti Effect

In November, Twitter launched new ad targeting options and conversion optimization. Now, Twitter has recently introduced a new feature called “hashfetti” to enhance the visual appeal of hashtags in tweets. 

The feature allows brands to add a confetti-like animation to their hashtags, making them more attention-grabbing and prominent on the platform. This feature is only available for use in branded hashtag campaigns and aims to improve the visibility and engagement of such campaigns.

Twitter introduces the “hashfetti” on  9 January 2023.

Implications to Marketers:

Although Hashfetti may not be a significant alteration, when combined with the already effective use of branded hashtags to generate increased campaign engagement, it can serve as an additional enhancement to increase visibility and make your promotions more noticeable within the app.


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