Twitter Enables Multiple Security Keys

Since 2020, Twitter is actively adding extra security features to protect an account. The platform enabled ad conversation settings and physical security keys on mobile devices. Today, Twitter enables multiple security keys.

Twitter Enables Multiple Security Keys

Multiple security keys allow users to add an extra layer of protection and security among devices with Twitter apps. This may include using facial recognition, passcodes, or touch ID. According to Twitter, multiple security keys are the best phishing-resistant form of two-factor authentication. Such measures were made by Twitter to prevent accounts from being hacked like what happened in the past.

Twitter enables multiple security keys as of 15 March 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

Twitter’s multiple security keys are a great way to protect an account from hacking and cyber threats. For marketers, this can help them in the safety of a brand or business account on Twitter which is a common target of cyberhackers.



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