Twitter has been rolling out updates to further protect its users’ accounts this 2020. Last August, it enables offensive comment warnings to promote meaningful conversations. The platform also updated its transparency center to secure the exchange of communications. Today, Twitter enables physical security keys on mobile devices.
Twitter adopts two-factor authentication to secure a user’s account. After logging in with your user name and password, users can add an extra layer of security to a Twitter account. It can either be entering a security code or using a physical key. Back in June 2018, Twitter enabled physical keys for desktop users. It’s a physical token to protect your account i.e. thumbprint, face recognition, etc. Today, users can log in using a physical key on their mobile devices. It aims to make it easier for users to log in on their Twitter account. It will be particularly useful to users who don’t want to type a security code or use their mobile numbers to log in to Twitter on their android or iOS phones.
Twitter enables physical security keys on mobile devices effective 02 December 2020.
Implications for Marketers:
Twitter is really determined to secure its users’ accounts as it enables physical security keys on mobile devices. Back in July, a massive security breach happened to high profile Twitter accounts. This is the platform’s way of improving security. For marketers, this is an easier way to manage security on mobile devices. The security of a business’s social media account is vital to the security of its customers. Most marketers are always on the go and use mobile devices to access their pages. The physical key can save them from memorizing security codes by replacing such a log in option. Thus, marketing is on your hand every moment.