One of the most valuable assets of Snapchat in marketing is its ability to generate valuable insights. The platform has published several reports to help brands and businesses market with a snap. These include Gen Z’s Creative Tendencies, ROI for CPG ads, and the Value of High-Impact Ads. Today, Snapchat publishes “Generation Report 2022.”
Snapchat Generation is a team of snap chatters less defined by age than by attitude. They are shoppers who are willing to immerse themselves with experiences and stories using the latest technology. Snapchat’s Generation Report 2022 covers what snap chatters value most. These are authenticity, close connections, collective happiness, and social shopping.
Snapchat is the number 1 platform where people share what life is actually like. People feel free to snap funny, and random moments with their community and friends. Using silly filters and lenses, 96% of snap users celebrate and share big and small milestones on Snapchat. Snap chatters are looking for brands that complement the experience they have on the app. They prefer engaging with brands who can meet them freely and safely from where they are.
Close Connections
Snapchat is also a top app for creating photos and videos within a camera. It is because we are living in a generation that values visual connection as a more expressive and personal way of connecting to people close to them. 97% of snap chatters do not have to send long text messages to say hi. Instead, they use visuals to keep engaging with family and friends. Snapchat’s AR tools can be an exciting opportunity for brands and businesses to connect with consumers.
Collective Happiness
Snap chatters want to see the world changed for the better. That is why 75% of them value actions that benefit the planet. Thus, brands and businesses should be clear and honest about the goals they support.
Social Shopping
Snapchat is the number one platform where everyone enjoys sharing their shopping finds and purchases. Most send pics of what to buy while on a shopping spree. 93% of snap chatters experiment with looks using AR shopping tools. So, brands and businesses can harness the power of AR to engage snap chatters.
Snapchat publishes “Generation Report 2022” on 05 April 2022.
Implications for Marketers:
Snapchat’s “Generation Report 2022” brings valuable points for marketers on how to connect with users in the app. Such insights can eventually help brands boost eCommerce conversions.
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