LinkedIn Introduces a New Data Tool Called “Future of Skills”

LinkedIn Introduces A New Data Tool Called "Future of Skills"

Looks like LinkedIn is a social media platform that is unstoppable from offering new services to users. Just yesterday, “The Technology Marketer’s Lead Generation Toolkit,” a new guide from LinkedIn for tech marketers was launched, which includes a variety of useful data-driven knowledge and insight and guidelines that relate to tech campaigns. Today, the platform releases an interactive tool called “Future of the Skills.” 

LinkedIn Introduces a New Data Tool Called "Future of Skills"

This allows marketers to delve into the most recent skill trends about any job position to gain a better understanding of what businesses are looking for and what users are listing on their LinkedIn profiles for every position. The new tool allows users to choose a country, industry, and job position, that can all be searched by typing in keywords into appropriate fields.

Users may see an insight into the main skill trends for each relying into how LinkedIn members have outlined all this on their profiles.

LinkedIn Introduces a New Data Tool Called "Future of Skills"

By hovering over any identified skill, the tool will then reveal how it has shifted over time, allowing users to further properly assess each trend and verify similar skills that may have changed name.

LinkedIn introduces a new data tool called “Future of Skills” on 10 March 2022.

Implication for Marketers:

It may be a helpful tool not only for job hunters, but also for marketers and audience researchers, since it could emphasize possible new opportunities within every sector based on changes. If one is marketing to creatives, he or she can gain an understanding of necessary skill trends in that industry, which may highlight new chances to connect these customers with more targeted campaigns – such as a guide on Adobe Lightroom or knowledge and insight on product photography to enhance supplementary income.


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