Instagram Launches a Digital Magazine

Introducing the first-ever issue of Instagram Insider! Instagram launches this digital magazine. It’s not just about trends. But it’s more about discovery and inspiration. 

Instagram Launches a Digital Magazine

The 1st issue of Instagram Insider is a 9-page magazine about beauty and fashion. It features crafty quilted outfits, stick-on beauty products, and vintage streetwear. It also features brief creator stories together with their trendy tips. The last part of this digital magazine is a section called “Ask Elisa.” Here, Instagram answers common questions raised by Instagrammers in the platform.

Instagram launches a digital magazine on 29 April 2021

Implications for Marketers:

Instagram’s digital magazine is designed to influence fans to buy trending products on the platform. For marketers, Instagram Insider provides plenty of insights and thoughts on how to craft engaging and IG-worthy content. This can also be a branded content marketplace to promote a product. It may be worth browsing the magazine. Anyway, it’s free to access.


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