Google Introduces a Google Tag Manager

Google Introduces a Google Tag Manager

Great changes are coming to cookie tracking. Even though Google extended its Privacy Sandbox testing, it has already updated its privacy policy. Yet, the platform needs to maintain its ad revenue. So, Google experimented with a shopping experience scorecard. Today, Google also introduces a Google tag manager.

Google Introduces a Google Tag Manager

Google tag manager is a privacy-centric measurement revolving around consented 1st party data. Starting today, advertisers can combine gtag.js with Google tag on Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Google Marketing Platform. The gtag.js are tags used on Google Events. The Google tag manager integration aims to improve measurement and provide better customer insights. By next week, any existing gtag.js will be converted as Google tags.

Google introduces a Google tag manager on 02 August 2022.

Implications to Marketers:

Google tag manager creates a single reusable tag on top of existing implementations. It makes it easier for marketers to analyze and track performances.


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