Facebook Pay Tests QR Codes

Are you familiar with QR codes? You can see it everywhere – in commercial establishments, shops, and supermarkets. Online, many social media platforms are using it. These include FacebookInstagram, and WhatsApp. Today, Facebook payment is offering a new push as Facebook Pay tests QR codes.

Facebook Pay is now testing person-to-person payment through the use of QR codes. Facebook users simply need to scan another user’s QR code to instantly transfer money. Moreover, Facebook will also introduce personalized payment links to automatically direct one to a secure payment page. The QR code test is limited to Facebook users from the US at the moment.

Facebook Pay tests QR codes as of 06 April 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

As the Facebook Pay team tests QR codes, they are making payment transfers within the platform more convenient. For marketers, this opens up a new opportunity to speed up the payment process via scannable codes. As online shopping booms, people are more open to such options. It makes Facebook Pay most convenient among other in-app payment systems.

Reference: https://www.macrumors.com/2021/04/05/facebook-pay-qr-code-payments/

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