Facebook Announces New Group Penalties

Facebook Groups are becoming increasingly popular. It is how people connect to global communities with the same interests and preferences. Today, there are 1.8 billion members of Facebook Group. As the king of social media notes the challenges of moderating them, it enabled features and tools to ease such burden. These include brand collab managerengagement alerts, group admin tools, and post controls. Today, Facebook announces new group penalties.

Flagged by Facebook

Last March, Facebook started restricting the reach of groups that have violated its policy. The move aims to eliminate misinformation and unsafe practices. Today, Facebook will impose a new group penalty for content that violated its community standards. It will now limit the reach of such content. Besides, Facebook will also restrict admins who have violated content policies to add new members, create new groups, and react to any group post. For transparency, any violative content will show a “Flagged by Facebook” label. Admins can appeal to reverse such a decision. 

Facebook announces new group penalties as of 20 October 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Facebook’s new group penalties can be a pressure to marketers that administer a Facebook Group. But it can be beneficial in such a way that they could better understand Facebook’s community standards.

Reference: https://about.fb.com/news/2021/03/changes-to-keep-facebook-groups-safe/

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