YouTube Expands Sharing of Clips

YouTube Expands Sharing of Clips

Here’s a fun way to share your YouTube videos! YouTube expands sharing of clips. YouTube Clips are 60-seconds automated video chapters that is under testing since November of 2020. Such automatic segmentation shows under a scissor icon below the video playback screen. 

By next week, all YouTube channels will have access to Clips. Although gaming creators remain the main focus of YouTube clips, creators can now share them via email and other social media channels. YouTube also added a public watch count on clips. 

YouTube expands sharing of Clips on 11 May 2022.

Implications to Marketers:

YouTube Clips can help marketers showcase small highlights of a brand, product, or service. Being able to share them on Facebook & IG Reels, Stories, and TikTok can drive more viewers to an eCommerce page.


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