Twitter Updates Its Carousel Ads Format

The new changes in Internet privacy have prompted Twitter to adapt to a new ad targeting capacity. As such, Twitter updates its Carousel ads format. The platform is also working on new ads measurement and reach options. 

Twitter Carousel Ad update

With Twitter Carousels, brands can upload 2 to 6 images or videos on Twitter ads or posts. Like shop modules, they feature various products in a single ad. Today, Twitter enables “Multi-Destination Carousels.” The new format allows advertisers to add custom headlines and landing pages on each frame. The new Carousel ads format can diversify brand messaging by using unique titles and URLs. 

Twitter updates its Carousel ads format on 12 October 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Twitter’s updated Carousel ads format is another eCommerce push. It can help marketers use different creatives in a single campaign. Thus, they can boost targeting segmentation to yield different responses.


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