Twitter Tests “Unmentioning”

Twitter Tests “Unmentioning”

Let us now move away from the tweet edit button issues. Since last year, Twitter is focusing on improving user experience. It enabled options to limit tweet replies, mention controls, and selective sharing of tweets. Today, Twitter tests “unmentioning.”

Twitter Tests “Unmentioning”

According to Twitter Safety, unmentioning is a way to say “Don’t @ me” without saying it literally. When a Twitter user is mentioned n a conversation, the user now has the option to leave the conversation. The username will still appear in text form on the original tweet. But it will no longer be an active part of the convo. Once a user leaves the conversation:

  • The account is untagged from the original tweet and replies
  • Other users can no longer mention the account again within the same reply chain
  • The account will no longer be notified about updates to the exchange

Twitter tests “unmentioning” on 07 April 2022.

Implications for Marketers:

Unmentioning can be a handy option for marketers to irrelevant tweet piles. It can also be a way for brands to mute unprioritized discussions. As such, marketers can better concentrate on tweeting valuable ads and campaigns.


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