Twitter Now Allows Turning off “Fleets” Reactions via DM

Back in June 2020, Twitter launched its version of Instagram Stories. These are called “Fleets.” Through “Fleets”, users can add GIFs, photos, text, and videos up to 521 MB in size. These contents disappear after 24-hours. They can be retweeted or replied to but other users can send reactions via DM. Twitter Fleets were fully rolled out in November 2020

Twitter Fleets

Since its full-launching, most members of the Twitter nation are complaining about annoying notifications on Fleets’ reactions to their DMs. They feel these reactions as intrusive. As such, now allows turning off “Fleets” reactions via DM. Twitter app users via Android just need to tap the arrow next to the “Fleet” button and disable the “Allow Direct Messages” button. Soon, the function will also be available to iOS Twitter app users.

Twitter now allows turning off “Fleets” reactions via DM as of 11 March 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

Turning off “Fleets” reactions via DM is not a major change within the Twitter platform. But they provide more control over unwanted messages. For marketers, this is an alternative option to encourage Twitter audiences to visit their page in the absence of Fleets’ reactions. 



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