Twitter Is Working on DM Searching

Messaging is always an important part of every social media platform. That is why Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter continuously work to enhance such a feature. Recently, Twitter focuses on its improvement.

Twitter rolled out list searches.

It also enabled topic searches.

Today, Twitter is working on DM searching.

Angela Lashbrook, a Debugger columnist, reports that Twitter is planning to launch the DM searching tool by May 2021. What is confirmed is that the updated DM searching tool will allow the Twitter nation to search DMs based on user names. Other advanced search options that may be added are shared images, links, and tweets on your direct message conversations. The test is ongoing for Twitter on iOS and desktop.

Twitter is working on DM searching as of 22 March 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

Twitter DM searching is a helpful addition to make Twitter DMs more useful. For marketers, it can help them streamline their DM responses. As such, it is a good addition to boost a brand’s customer service effort and conversion. By being able to search people who asked questions about specific products or campaigns, they can target users who are most likely to convert.



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