Twitter Enables Safety Mode to Limit Unwelcome Interactions

Twitter has 199 million daily active users. Imagine all of these people tweeting at the same time every minute or every hour! There will be so many tweets piling on your timeline and it is hard to catch up. Currently, Twitter is testing a leave conversation option under its conversation settings. Today, Twitter enables “Safety Mode” to limit unwelcome interactions. It is one solution to avoid a tweet pile on a Twitter account.

Twitter Safety Mode

Twitter’s safety mode is a setting that allows users to limit disruptive and unwanted interactions. Once safety mode is activated on a Twitter account, the apps machine learning will automatically block the following accounts for 7 days:

  • Accounts sending repetitive or uninvited mentions and replies.
  • Accounts using potentially harmful languages such as abusive comments, hateful remarks, insults, etc. 

Twitter also notes that the system will assess the relationship between the account and the author of the tweet. As such, if a user follows and interacts with an account frequently, it will not be auto blocked.  What the system targets are the likelihood of negative and unwanted engagement.

The author of blocked tweets under Twitter’s safety mode will not be able to follow a user’s account, see the user’s tweet or send a direct message temporarily. While the user under safety mode will receive a notification once an account is temporarily blocked. The user can view the details of the blocked account and unblock it via “Privacy & Safety Settings” at any time. Twitter’s safety mode is under beta testing to a selected number of Android & iOS users.

Twitter enables “Safety Mode” to limit unwelcome interactions on 01 September 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Twitter’s safety mode is a new way to uplift the user’s experience within the platform. Marketers may find such options limiting when it comes to ads and campaigns. But if brands are posting the right content that the Twitter nation craves, there is no need to worry. By limiting unwanted interactions on a Twitter account, more relevant ads may surface on a Twitter timeline.


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