Snapchat Introduces New Global Partner Solutions Program

Snapchat is a U.S. multi-messaging app launched in 2011. It was originally named “Picaboo” but the name was rebranded because of the protest of a similarly named photo book company. Today, the platform has grown with 238 million daily users. With the rising momentum, Snapchat introduces a new global partner solutions program.

Indeed, Snapchat has been making efforts to boost marketing on the platform. Recently, it launched Bitmoji fashion, interactive lenses, local lenses, and video snaps to power online shopping. To boost its AR efforts, it funded creators to innovate on augmented reality.

Snapchat’s new global partner solutions program is a collaboration with leading companies in specific industries to help better connect with the community. Way back in 2016, the platform’s program provides ad partners and creative partners. Today, they evolve into certified partners and strategic partners. Snapchat’s certified partners support brands in campaign execution and marketing APIs. This is by providing them with advertising insights and tools. supporting brands in campaign execution, and marketing APIs.

Snapchat introduces a new global partner solutions program as of 06 January 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

Snapchat’s new global partner solutions program offers a lot of marketing potential. It’s an opportunity for marketers to level up their marketing strategies in the platform. It’s also a better way to connect with the right partners in Snapchat. 



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