Just last week, Facebook Reels was made available in 150 more countries around the world through the Facebook Android and iOS applications. This will appear in the top panel of the Stories tab. In accordance with the public release, Meta unveils creative avenues for Creators to make profit through the new feature. Meta’s newest “Widely Viewed Content” report, launched today, reveals similar findings with last year’s report however with one noticeable exception:
The first Page shows the most visited Facebook Page for the quarter in the report that Meta uses to help demonstrate that its app is really not having a negative effect. It has currently been banned by Meta for breaching its Community Standards. On the other hand, the remaining data in the report emphasize that spam, junk, and random pages generated a lot of interest during the period.
This latest report highlights concerns about Facebook’s distribution, as a Page that Meta identified as sharing suspicious posts. This is because for some reason, it gained massive popularity in the platform before being forced to close.
Facebook releases “Widely Viewed Content” on 2 March 2022.
Implication for Marketers
The key for online engagement is Posts that are emotionally charged, with anger and joy being two of the most shareable emotions. Trigger these responses in marketers’ audience, and they’ll generate engagement, since more emotional pull implies more comments, reactions, and more reach, since the algorithm will deliver the content a lot of awareness relying on that activity. The evolutionary algorithm, the power of Comments and likes, and the notification hype – each of these factors contribute to the increasingly partisan media landscape. Added to this is the driving force to start sharing more and more burning voices, which marketers can use to engage and reach more to expand their brand awareness.
Reference: https://transparency.fb.com/en-gb/data/widely-viewed-content-report/