Linked Enables New Creator Tools

Linked Enables New Creator Tools

Last March 2021, LinkedIn introduced the Creator mode. LinkedIn Creator Mode is an alternate profile to business pages. After 7 months, the platform added new features such as LinkedIn live broadcast, a newsletter, and suggested creators on it. Today, LinkedIn enables new creator tools.

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Content Alerts

LinkedIn adds a subscription bell on top of a profile. Followers who wish to subscribe can click the bell to enable notifications. Every time you post something new on your profile, subscribers will receive a notification about the new post.

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Creator Analytics

LinkedIn will provide a more in-depth overview of content performances. These include the total number of profile views, post impressions, and searches. Users can also filter these performance insights per period like the past 7 days, past 30 days, etc. Additionally, users can filter engagement demographics based on different categories.

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Creators can now highlight their newsletters o a featured section of their LinkedIn profile. From there, your audience can quickly find your newsletter content and subscribe.

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Improved Post Analytics

Post analytics are insights per post. LinkedIn refreshes those analytics for creators to get a deeper level of details. These include the number of comments, impressions, reactions, and shares for every post. Users can also filter these demographics based on different categories.

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Profile Video Tools

Creators will now see prompts to inspire you with what to share when going live. A profile video ring will also show to alert users that you are currently on a live broadcast.

LinkedIn enables new creator tools on 30 March 2022.

Implications for Marketers:

LinkedIn’s new creators can be a valuable asset for marketers. Such notification features and insights can help brands better strategize on their LinkedIn marketing approach.


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