Instagram has been redesigning its IGTV App since April 2020. The latest rollout is the option to share an Instagram Live Broadcast on IGTV.
Originally, Live Broadcast on Instagram can only be saved on the camera roll. But now, Instagrammers can directly save it to IGTV. Just tap “Share to IGTV” at the bottom of the screen after a live video. The saved videos can stick around in IGTV or can be deleted as long as the user wants. But here are some key points to remember:
- There’s no option to edit the saved video;
- Replaying the Live Video on IGTV won’t include reactions (likes, comments) from the original video;
- The number of video viewers automatically restarts when you play the video on IGTV.
Instagram officially announces the rollout on 14 May 2020.
Implications for Marketers:
Marketers now have the option to quickly tap into IGTV to increase the viewership of Instagram Live Video ads. Saving it to IGTV allow people to discover the brand and it highlights. Redesigning IGTV is Instagram’s way to help businesses maximize the platform reach.