Facebook Advances Connectivity in the Asia Pacific Region

Facebook is committed to bringing the world connected to faster internet. Today the platform advances connectivity in the Asia Pacific Region. This is through new subsea cables in Singapore and Indonesia. They are the 1st transpacific cables crossing the Java Sea to North America. 

Facebook Advances Connectivity in the Asia Pacific Region

Facebook’s 2 new subsea cables are called Echo and Bifrost. These cables will increase internet capacity in the Asia Pacific Region by 70 percent. It will also boost interconnections between the region and North America. The project will be in partnership with Indonesian companies such as Telin and XL Axiata and Singaporean firm Keppel

Facebook advances connectivity in the Asia Pacific Region as of 28 March 2021.

Implications for Marketers:

As Facebook advances connectivity in the Asia Pacific Region, it will bring better internet service among businesses and people alike. The new subsea cables in Indonesia and Singapore can potentially expand emerging markets in the Asia Pacific Region. They can make Facebook a critical marketing tool for emerging brands in the region. They can also be a conduit to cross-border eCommerce transactions. 

Reference: https://engineering.fb.com/2021/03/28/connectivity/echo-bifrost/

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