Recently, Facebook started expanding the reach of Shop tabs globally. Last 09 February 2021, the platform integrated Shop Pay in its family of apps. On 23 February 2021, it officially launched Shops in Canada and the UK. Today, Facebook adds a holiday mode feature in its Marketplace. This allows businesses to put a pause on their digital shops from time to time.
Facebook Marketplace is a convenient destination to buy, discover, and sell goods. Under the Marketplace settings, vendors now have the option to manage holiday mode by turning it off or on. A visible holiday mode button will show on a vendor’s account for potential buyers to be aware that the vendor can’t fulfill orders during those times. Once enabled, buyers will not be able to place an order or start a conversation. Yet, it doesn’t cancel or pause any orders already fulfilled.
Facebook adds a “Holiday Mode” feature in its Marketplace on 09 March 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
Facebook’s holiday mode feature keeps a vendor’s post active even if they can’t fulfill orders temporarily. For marketers, this can be a key opportunity to still allow brand discovery while they are busy creating new ads and campaigns in the Marketplace. Holiday mode is a revolutionary eCommerce push to expand online users’ behavior on Facebook. Like brick-and-mortar stores, it can be a way to set operating hours for brands and businesses.