Twitter launched its version of Facebook and Instagram Stories last 09 June 2020. The platform named the said feature “Fleets.” It’s a quick option to express your thoughts through photos, text, or videos. Fleets allow users to post videos with a length of 2 minutes and 21 seconds. The post disappears within 24 hours after it was published. On 05 March 2020, Fleets were initially tested in Brazil. It was then made available in India, Italy, and South Korea. Today, Twitter rolls out Fleets in Japan.
With 51 million monthly active users, Japan is a significant market for Twitter. As Twitter rolls out Fleets in Japan, it’s now testing the feature to a larger market. This signals a possible full launch of Fleets. Twitter is even experimenting with upgrading it through collaborative Fleets.
Twitter rolls out “Fleets” in Japan as of 10 November 2020.
Implications for Marketers:
Fleets is a clear copy of Facebook and Instagram Stories. Twitter isn’t denying it. Yet marketers should consider this an option to launch ads and campaigns on Twitter. Stories have become a habit among Facebook and Instagram users. They may have the same impact on Twitter. Thus, it makes sense for brands to relate to the users’ demand.