Twitter Opens up “Best of Tweets” Nominations

Are you one of the brands that did well on your Twitter campaign? Twitter opens up the “Best of Tweets” nominations. It aims to celebrate the best tweet campaigns for 2021. There is no physical prize or reward. But you will get a promotion and recognition for that.

Best of Tweets 2021

Twitter has been running the “Best of Tweets” since 2016. Last year, the top winners are Ben & Jerry’s, Gatorade, Uber, etc. To file a nomination, a brand or business will need to give a summary of their best Twitter campaign to explain why they should be crowned as an internet Royalty. Twitter judges for this contest seek the impact and reach of a tweet. Some of the preferred topics are:

  • #LIVE
  • #SCALE

Nominations close on the 12th of October 2021.

Twitter opens up the “Best of Tweets” nominations on 01 October 2021.

Implications for Marketers: 

Twitter’s “Best of Tweets” is a great way to show a brand or business’ worth. The contest can also give marketers an idea of what topics Twitter wants to highlight.


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