Do you remember Birdwatch! It is a Twitter site to counteract misinformation in addition to alert warnings. Such a feature was under testing for Twitter users in the U.S. since January. Today, Twitter enables Birdwatch aliases.
To take part in Birdwatch, a Twitter user first needs to sign up via the “Contribute to Birdwatch” option in a tweet. Twitter now lets users report false information or write notes without sharing their username. They can now use aliases instead. Aliases can reduce potential bias. After reporting an issue, Twitter users can choose any of the 5 random aliases suggested to bird-related identities.
Twitter enables Birdwatch aliases on 22 November 2021.
Implications for Marketers:
As Twitter enables Birdwatch aliases, it is promoting the safety of proactive and responsible users. For marketers, it further boosts establishing a good reputation and true value to a brand.