If you no longer enjoy the videos that are being recommended to you, TikTok is introducing a new feature that lets you start your TikTok feed from scratch. TikTok is also creating new methods to prevent recurrence and reduce exposure to hazardous materials.
To begin with, regarding the new feed refresh option, TikTok has been testing a new procedure for the past several months that essentially allows users to start their accounts over again by resetting what the algorithm believes they would be interested in.
The option is now being made available to all users on TikTok.
TikTok allows you to start again by refreshing algorithmic suggestions on 16 March 2023.
Implications to Marketers:
Marketers can benefit from TikTok’s algorithmic recommendations refresh feature through improved targeting, increased visibility, enhanced engagement, and better ROI.
Reference: https://newsroom.tiktok.com/en-us/introducing-a-way-to-refresh-your-for-you-feed-on-tiktok-us