Pinterest Launches Its API Version 5.3

Pinterest Launches Its API Version 5.3

Creators and developers are the heart of every social media platform. That is why Pinterest currently focuses on innovations. The platform expanded the Creator Fund, a $500k funding program for under-represented communities. A creator code enforced the acceptance of guidelines to mitigate negativity during the program. Today, Pinterest launches its API Version 5.3.

Pinterest API

Pinterest REST API 5.3.0 allows advertisers, creators, developers, merchants, and pinners to build separate applications to facilitate pin creation, management, and presentation. Pinterest lifted the minimum revenue needed to gain access. It is now open to all Pinterest users within a minimum of 1 business day approval process. What’s new on Pinterest’s API Version 5.3 are:

  • Clean design to delight the developer community
  • New analytics, content, functionalities, and shopping elements within third-party apps and tools
  • OpenAPI versioned spec both on our developer site and GitHub
  • Redesigned OAuth 2.0 scopes with refreshable user access tokens allowing pinners to control which applications they grant access to
  • Tiered access that allows safe testing among developers

Pinterest launches its API Version 5.3 on 12 April 2022.

Implications for Marketers: 

Pinterest’s API Version 5.3 can be a great tool for marketers to manage and maintain a presence within the platform. Its clean design and open access allow more rooms to experiment with third-party apps to improve pin campaigns and ideas.


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