Facebook Rolls Out Newsfeed Control Tools and Filter Bar

Facebook aims to make its feed more relevant to its users. The platform has set limits on ads running within business pages. It also allowed switching off political ads. Recently, Facebook rolls out newsfeed control tools and filter bar. 

Newsfeed Control Tools

Facebook aims to help users control what they share on the newsfeed. Users can now control their commenting audience on a public post. Three options will now be showing on the “Who can comment on your post?” tab. These are:

  • Public where everybody who sees the post can leave a comment.
  • Friends where only your Facebook friends can leave a comment.
  • Profiles and Pages you mention where only people and pages you mention or tag can leave a comment.
Facebook Rolls Out Newsfeed Control Tools and Filter Bar

Newsfeed Filter Bar

Facebook also aims to help users control what they see on the newsfeed. Three options will now show on a user’s newsfeed tabs. These are:

  • Home to see regular Facebook posts ranked by the platform’s algorithm.
  • Favorites to see posts users want to prioritize. Users can handpick up to 30 pages and profiles under this option. 
  • Recent to see Facebook posts chronologically arranged from the latest dates and beyond.

Facebook rolls out newsfeed control tools and filter bar on 31 March 2021. The updates are initially available for Android users but will also roll out to iOS users in the coming weeks.

Implications for Marketers:

The updated Facebook newsfeed control tools and filter bar are the latest examples of how the platform helps its users control and curate their newsfeed. The goal is to keep them more attached to the platform through a more personalized experience. For marketers, this can be a better way to reach more relevant audiences who put a brand on top of their interest. By limiting the commenting audience, brands can also feel more engaged in meaningful conversations. It also makes a brand safer from harmful commenting.

Reference: https://about.fb.com/news/2021/03/more-control-and-context-in-news-feed/

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